Thursday, July 9, 2009

1 week from France

July 8, 2009 6:00pm

This was my last Wednesday evening training ride with the guys prior to my trip.
I told them that I feel really bad that I won't be with them for next weeks ride, but if they look towards DFW Airport they might catch a glimpse of an American Airlines 777 heading to Paris.
The heat is still brutal here in North Texas, but we went for our usual 36 mile Monday/Wednesday loop at a decent pace.
I will probably do a 100K on Saturday, then it's off to Colonel's to have them break the bike down and get it boxed up for next weeks journey.
After that I plan on some easy spins on Sunday and Monday on my old Bottecchia. I think I still remember how down-tube shifters work...
That will probably do it for my training until I get to France.
I feel pretty good that I've put enough base miles in up to this point, I guess time will tell.

I better start packing...


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